Kamis, 28 Juli 2016

Day 2 (Senin, 18 Juli '16

Sawaddi Ka! Today is the second day. Let’s start the story. Yesterday, MS. Ned and MS. Nui said that today we are going to go to buy the new net cards for my friends. There are several friends who don’t get the suitable card with their phone. We made the appointment to meet at 9.30 a.m.
We met them at 9.30 a.m. in front of the dormitory. However, we met the new person. We met Ms. Sion. She came with some of her students and friends. They were really nice. First, we went to Pakwan Restaurant to have breakfast. We go there by tuktuk. It was a traditional transportation and it looked like Bajaj and Bemo in Indonesia.
After that, we arrived there and saw all the menu. Moreover, we found that we could understand it because it used English, too. I chose a bowl of Noodles Soup Beef and a glass of Iced Tea. They looked so delicious.

The meal is so tasty. There are noodles (BIhun), Beef, Tofu, a half of boiled egg and the soup which seems like curry. I was so full and I loved it.
After we finished our brunch, we went to Amporn Department Store to buy the net cards. There were sellers of net cards but we still needed much time because the setting of our phone is different with the phone in Thai. After that, we went to the dormitory after we went to the mini market. I bought an umbrella here because the weather is hot and sometimes it can rain.

At night, we spent our time together to have dinner. We ate rice that we bought around dorm, abon that my friend brought and ikan teri. We spent more than an hour to share about our own hometown. It was a nice night to know each other more. 

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